An ELECTRA model for binary classification to determine if a tweet is about a disaster or not. This implementation is part of an exercise to find the best performing model among an RNN, an MLP, and a transformer-based model.

  • Back-End
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning

A repository containing the solutions of all CS224N assignments I made during the 2021 class.

  • GloVe word vectors with Gensim.
  • Word2vec skip-gram implementation with NumPy.
  • Training a dependency parser with the Adam optimizer and Dropout (PyTorch).
  • A BI-LSTM+Attention Machine Translator implemented using PyTorch.
  • (Pre)training a Transformer model to predict the birthplace of a person.

  • Back-End
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning

An experimentation project to help choose a SOTA neural model for summarization. The project uses HuggingFace's pre-trained models over the XSum and CNN / Daily Mail datasets. The generated summaries are evaluated intrinsically and extrinsically with ROUGE1 and ROUGEL.

  • Back-End
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning

A Spanish-English translator based on a Transformer model. It was trained on Google Cloud with 114k examples and a customized training loop. This is not a notebook but a modular object-oriented project with a simple TUI that allows interaction with the translator.

  • Back-End
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning

A prototype to know family-units' water consumption using IoT, time-series databases, and visualization software. This project aims to understand how we use water to reduce our footprint as a way to help against climate change.

  • IoT
  • Back-End

A website I made with several objectives in mind:

  • Update my coding skills
  • Share what I learned
  • A tool for the Mozilla Club Peru I founded as a mean to help increasing web literacy in my community

  • Front-End
  • Back-End
  • DevOps